Strengthening Participatory Urban Planning for Managing Household Waste in the City of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Waste Household Waste Planning Participatory Urban Planning


December 30, 2018


The research examined the extent to which various stakeholders engage in implementing participatory urban planning for managing the waste generated from housing in the city. The study’s findings indicate that the performance of   private companies, CBOs, households and Municipal Authorities involved in participatory manner in handling the waste in the studied wards is low. The stages involved by these stakeholders in dealing waste are generation, collection, storage, transportation and disposal. The study proposes the following recommendations for attaining sustainable waste management in the city. First, there is a need for the city and municipal authorities to change the mind-set of all the actors to see waste as a resource for production and useful for income generation and urban agriculture. Also, the authorities have to take the responsibility seriously to install waste recycling plants and employ enough staff in all departments of waste management.