The Central Admission System in Tanzania

The Best E-Government Service Tool?

central admission system higher education institutions automation transformation Tanzania


    Mzumbe University, Tanzania, United Republic of
June 30, 2022


Tanzania introduced a central admission system (CAS) in the 2010/2011 academic year to solve perennial student placement problems in higher education institutions. Empirical studies considered CAS as the best e-government project in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, in 2016 the government prematurely banned the CAS. This study examined how and the extent to which CAS improved admissions of students in HEIs in Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative research design whereby seven interviewees and twelve informants were involved in data collection. Drawing from content analysis of interviews, focus group discussions, and document reviews, the findings revealed that the CAS went beyond automation of the processes; it transformed student admissions in the HEIs. The users of the CAS experienced transparent, participatory, responsive and reliable services. Despite some inherent sociotechnical and institutional shortcomings, CAS remains the best student placement system in HEIs in Tanzania. Drawing from the findings, the government should re-introduce the CAS in Tanzania to improve student placement in higher learning institutions.